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&File &┴±≈σ▀∩ &New &─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß &Save ┴&≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ &Edit &╘±∩≡∩≡∩▀τ≤τ &Help &┬∩▐ΦσΘß &About &╨σ±▀ &Open... ó&φ∩Θπ∞ß... &Copy ┴&φ⌠Θπ±ß÷▐ &Paste &┼≡ΘΩⁿδδτ≤τ &Add Command &╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ σφ⌠∩δ▐≥ &Delete &─Θßπ±ß÷▐ &Test Command ─∩ΩΘ∞▐ &┼φ⌠∩δ▐≥ &Reset All States &╠τΣσφΘ≤∞ⁿ≥ ╩ß⌠ß≤⌠▄≤σ∙φ &Disable Input Device(s) ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡■φ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡ &Enable Input Device(s) ┼φσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡■φ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡ Antirepeat wait time [ms] ═σΩ±ⁿ≥ ≈±ⁿφ∩≥ [ms] Apply ┼÷ß±∞∩π▐ Alt Alt Autoload file does not exist. ╘∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠τ≥ ÷ⁿ±⌠∙≤τ≥ Σσφ ⌡≡▄±≈σΘ. Auto Load ┴⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩ ÷ⁿ±⌠∙∞ß APM Event Generator ─τ∞Θ∩⌡±π▀ß ∞τφ⌡∞▄⌠∙φ APM APM Event Plugin 1.0 for Girder 3.0 APM Event Plugin 1.0 πΘß ⌠∩ Girder 3.0 Add &MultiGroup ╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ ╨∩&δ⌡╧∞▄Σß≥ Add &Group ╨±∩≤Φ▐Ωτ &╧∞▄Σß≥ Accelerate Accelerate Auto Enable Input device ┴⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠τ σφσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡▐≥ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡ Auto execute on startup ┴⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩ εσΩ▀φτ∞ß Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ σΩΩ▀φτ≤τ Available plugins ─ΘßΦ▌≤Θ∞ß plugins: Action Plugins Plugins ┼φσ±πσΘ■φ Antirepeat active ┼φσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ φσΩ±∩² ≈±ⁿφ∩⌡ About ╨σ±▀ Allowed Clients Allowed Clients Address Address Address edit Address edit Add Add Browse ┴φσ²±σ≤τ Begin state ┴±≈. Ωß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ Captured IR code. ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐ Ω∙ΣΘΩ∩² IR. Control Control Cancel óΩ⌡±∩ Comport ╙σΘ±ΘßΩ▐ Command State ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ σφ⌠∩δ▐≥ Current State ╘±▌≈∩⌡≤ß Child Name ╝φ∩∞ß πⁿφ∩⌡ Child Class ╩δ▄≤τ πⁿφ∩⌡ Checking the Settings ╕δσπ≈∩≥ ╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ Class Name ╝φ∩∞ß Ωδ▄≤τ≥ Clear List ╩ßΦß±Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ δ▀≤⌠ß≥ Clicked sent. ╙⌠▄δΦτΩσ ΩδΘΩ. Close sent. ╙⌠▄δΦτΩσ σφ⌠∩δ▐ σεⁿΣ∩⌡. Cannot find window ─σφ Γ±▌ΦτΩσ ⌠∩ ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±∩. Cannot Shutdown windows. ─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠ⁿ≥ ∩ ⌠σ±∞ß⌠Θ≤∞ⁿ≥ δσΘ⌠∩⌡±π▀ß≥ ⌠∙φ Windows. Cannot play wavfile. ─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß ≡ßΘ≈⌠σ▀ ∩ ▐≈∩≥. Cannot find icon Σσφ Γ±▌ΦτΩσ ⌠∩ σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ Cannot load plugin. ─σφ ÷∩±⌠■ΦτΩσ ⌠∩ plugin. Cannot save datafile. ─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ⌠∩⌡ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ. Cannot load datafile. ─σφ ÷∩±⌠■ΦτΩσ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ. Could not enable IR device. ─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ σφσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ⌠τ≥ ≤⌡≤Ωσ²τ≥ IR. Clicked ╩δΘΩ Close ╩δσ▀≤Θ∞∩ Command ┼φ⌠∩δ▐ Capture ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐ Contents ╨σ±Θσ≈ⁿ∞σφß Capture Window ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ┼ππ±ß÷▐≥ Contact and Copyright information ┼≡ß÷▐ ΩßΘ ╨δτ±∩÷∩±▀σ≥ Copyright Cannot find group Σσφ Γ±▌ΦτΩσ τ ∩∞▄Σß. Cannot Find Softplugin. ─σφ Γ±▌ΦτΩσ ⌠∩ SoftPlugin. Cannot enable ─σφ ∞≡∩±σ▀ φß σφσ±π∩≡∩ΘτΦσ▀. Could not enable input device(s). ─σφ σ▀φßΘ Σ⌡φß⌠▐ τ σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ≤τ ⌠∙φ ≤⌡≤Ωσ■φ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡ Command executed Command executed Command ID Command ID Don't send the IR commands when Girder is the Foreground window ╠▐ ß≡∩≤⌠∩δ▐ IR σφ⌠∩δ■φ ⁿ⌠ßφ ⌠∩ Girder σ▀φßΘ ≤⌠∩ ≡±∩≤Ω▐φΘ∩ Display Splashscreen ┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ┴±≈ΘΩ▐≥ ┼ΘΩⁿφß≥ Default ╨±∩ΩßΦ/≤∞▌φτ Double Clicked ─Θ≡δⁿ ΩδΘΩ Description ╨σ±Θπ±ß÷▐ Delete Delete E&xit ╕&ε∩Σ∩≥ Enabled ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φτ Execute ┼Ω⌠▌δσ≤τ Execute on all states except 1 ┼Ω⌠▌δσ≤τ ≤σ ⁿδσ≥ σΩ⌠ⁿ≥ ≡±■⌠τ≥ Executable ┼Ω⌠σδ▌≤Θ∞∩ Error: Cannot set volume ╨±ⁿΓδτ∞ß: ─σφ ±⌡Φ∞▀≤⌠τΩσ τ ▌φ⌠ß≤τ Example plugin for Girder 3.0 ╨ß±▄ΣσΘπ∞ß plugin πΘß ⌠∩ Girder 3.0 Executable (*.exe)|*.EXE|Wav files (*.wav)|*.WAV ┼Ω⌠σδ▌≤Θ∞ß (*.exe)|*.EXE|┴±≈σ▀ß ▐≈∩⌡ (*.wav)|*.WAV Error: Cannot execute command. Error: Cannot execute command. Fast ╠σπ▄δτ Filename ╝φ∩∞ß ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ Find ┼²±σ≤τ Fast UIR Init ├±▐π∩±τ σφσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ UIR File ┴±≈σ▀∩ General ├σφΘΩ▄ Girder will attempt to fill the target options based on the info here. This might need some manual tuning ╘∩ Girder Φß ≤⌡∞≡δτ±■≤σΘ ß⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠ß ⌠ß ≤⌠∩Θ≈σ▀ß, ßφ▄δ∩πß ∞σ ⌠τφ σ≡Θδ∩π▐. ║≤∙≥ ≈±σΘß≤⌠σ▀ σ≡Θδ▌∩φ ±²Φ∞Θ≤τ. Group Enable ┼φσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ∩∞▄Σß≥ Group Disable ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ∩∞▄Σß≥ GNU General Public License GNU General Public License Girder files (*.gir)|*.GIR ┴±≈σ▀ß Girder (*.gir)|*.GIR Girder Standby Toggle ┴φß∞∩φ▐ Girder Group Enabled ┼φσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ∩∞▄Σß≥ Group Disabled ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ∩∞▄Σß≥ Girder Standby ┴φß∞∩φ▐ Girder Girder Active ┼φσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ Girder Girder Homepage: Http://www.stack.nl/~stilgar ─ΘΩ⌠⌡ßΩⁿ≥ ⌠ⁿ≡∩≥ ⌠∩⌡ Girder: http://www.stack.nl/~stilgar Hide on startup ┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ Ωß⌠▄ ⌠τφ σΩΩ▀φτ≤τ Handle Handle Hide sent. ╙⌠▄δΦτΩσ σφ⌠∩δ▐ ß≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ≥. Hibernate ═▄±Ωτ Hide ┴≡ⁿΩ±⌡°τ Howto Howto Hardware Plugins Plugins ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡■φ Host IP Host IP Host Port Host Port IRSpeed ╘ß≈²⌠τ⌠ß I Was here ╣∞∩⌡φ σΣ■ I Was Here ╣∞∩⌡φ ΩΘ σΣ■ IR Device Enabled. ╙⌡≤Ωσ⌡▐ IR σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φτ. Icon ┼ΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ Input Device ╙⌡≤Ωσ⌡▐ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡ Icon files (*.ico)|*.ICO ┴±≈σ▀ß σΘΩ∩φΘΣ▀∙φ(*.ico)|*.ICO I'm searching for people who are willing to translate Girder, it's very easy and will bring joy to a lot of people :). Most important: your name will be noted in the Thanks section of the Girder helpfile! ╪▄≈φ∙ πΘß ßφΦ±■≡∩⌡≥ ≡∩⌡ φß Φ▌δ∩⌡φ φß ∞σ⌠ß÷±▄≤∩⌡φ ⌠∩ Girder, σ▀φßΘ ≡∩δ² σ²Ω∩δ∩ ΩßΘ Φß Ω▄φσΘ ≡∩δδ∩²≥ ßφΦ±■≡∩⌡≥ φß ≈ß±∩²φ. ╘∩ ≡Θ∩ ≤τ∞ßφ⌠ΘΩⁿ, ⌠∩ ⁿφ∩∞ß Φß ≤τ∞σΘ∙Φσ▀ ≤⌠Θ≥ σ⌡≈ß±Θ≤⌠▀σ≥! Initializing the Input Device(s) ┼φσ±π∩≡∩▀τ≤τ ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡■φ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡ Input Device Enabled. ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φτ ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡▐ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡. Input Device Disabled. ┴≡σφσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φτ ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡▐ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡. Keep focus ╙⌠∩ ≡±∩≤Ω▐φΘ∩ Key sent ╙⌠▄δΦτΩσ ≡δ▐Ω⌠±∩ Keyboard ╨δτΩ⌠±∩δⁿπΘ∩ Learn IR ┼Ω∞▄Φτ≤τ IR Launch Girder on windows startup ╬σΩ▀φτ∞ß ⌠∩⌡ Girder ∞σ ⌠τφ σΩΩ▀φτ≤τ Language ├δ■≤≤ß: LParam LParam LogOff ┴≡∩≤²φΣσ≤τ Match invisble Tasks ╘ß▀±Θß≤∞ß ßⁿ±ß⌠∙φ ΣΘσ±πß≤Θ■φ Monitor On óφ∩Θπ∞ß ∩Φⁿφτ≥ Monitor Off ╩δσ▀≤Θ∞∩ ∩Φⁿφτ≥ Minimize Girder ┼δß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ Girder Mouse ╨∩φ⌠▀ΩΘ Mouse Up ╩▀φτ≤τ ≡▄φ∙ Mouse Down ╩▀φτ≤τ Ω▄⌠∙ Mouse Left ╩▀φτ≤τ ß±Θ≤⌠σ±▄ Mouse Right ╩▀φτ≤τ ΣσεΘ▄ Mouse Left Click ┴±Θ≤⌠σ±ⁿ ΩδΘΩ Mouse Left Doubleclick ─Θ≡δⁿ ß±Θ≤⌠σ±ⁿ ΩδΘΩ Mouse Right Click ─σε▀ ΩδΘΩ Main Window ╩⌡±▀∙≥ ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ Maximize ╠σπ▌Φ⌡φ≤τ Minimize ┼δß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩▀τ≤τ Minimized ┼δß≈Θ≤⌠∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φ∩ Maximum number of ClientAddresses reached cannot add. Maximum number of ClientAddresses reached cannot add. Not found. ─σφ Γ±▌ΦτΩσ. Name ╝φ∩∞ß New ═▌∩ None None Ok Ok Only send to first match ┴≡ⁿ≤⌠∩δ▐ ∞ⁿφ∩ ≤⌠∩ ≡±■⌠∩ ⌠ß▀±Θß≤∞ß O.S. ╦σΘ⌠∩⌡±πΘΩⁿ OSD OSD Process ID Process ID Parent Parent Play Wav ╨ß▀εΘ∞∩ ▐≈∩⌡ Poweroff ╩δσ▀≤Θ∞∩ ±σ²∞ß⌠∩≥ Path to Hardware plugins ╘∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ≥ Hardware plugins: Path to Action plugins ╘∩≡∩Φσ≤▀ß ß≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ≥ plugins σφσ±πσΘ■φ: Plugins Plugins Port Port Password Password Question Question Register Filetype ╩ß⌠ß≈■±τ≤τ File Type Running Tasks/Windows ╘±▌≈∩⌡≤σ≥ ΣΘσ±πß≤▀σ≥/≡ß±▄Φ⌡±ß Refresh ┴φßφ▌∙≤τ Ready. ╕⌠∩Θ∞∩. Reboot ┼≡ßφσΩΩ▀φτ≤τ Rename Rename Settings ╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ State ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ Shift Shift Special Key ┼ΘΣΘΩⁿ ≡δ▐Ω⌠±∩ Save datafile on shutdown/poweroff/logoff ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ ß±≈σ▀∩⌡ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ ≤σ shutdown/poweroff/logoff Slow ╠ΘΩ±▐ State Count ╩ß⌠ß≤⌠▄≤σΘ≥ Selected Task's Childobjects ├ⁿφ∩Θ σ≡Θδσπ∞▌φτ≥ ΣΘσ±πß≤▀ß≥ Send to foreground task ┴≡∩≤⌠∩δ▐ ≤⌠τφ σ÷ß±∞∩π▐ ≤⌠∩ ≡±∩≤Ω▐φΘ∩ Substring matching ╘ß▀±Θß≤∞ß Ω∩∞∞ß⌠Θ∩² δ▌ετ≥ Start Capture ┴±≈▐ Ωß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ Stop Capture ╘▌δ∩≥ Ωß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐≥ System Wide Capturing ╩ß⌠ßπ±ß÷▐ ≤σ ⁿδ∩ ⌠∩ ≤²≤⌠τ∞ß SmartFill ┴⌡⌠ⁿ∞ß⌠∩ ≤⌡∞≡δ▐±∙∞ß Show sent. ┴≡∩≤⌠∩δ▐ σφ⌠∩δ▐≥ ▌φΣσΘετ≥. Step Size ┬▐∞ß Skip UIR init check ╨ß±▄Ωß∞°τ σδ▌π≈∩⌡ σΩΩ▀φτ≤τ≥ UIR Strip Zeros from UIR string ┴≡∩Ω∩≡▐ ∞τΣσφΘΩ■φ ß≡ⁿ ⌠τφ σφ⌠∩δ▐ ⌠∩⌡ UIR Suspend Mode ╦σΘ⌠∩⌡±π▀ß ßφß≤⌠∩δ▐≥ Suspend to Ram ┴φß≤⌠∩δ▐ ≤⌠τ ∞φ▐∞τ Select destination. ┼≡Θδ∩πτ ≡±∩∩±Θ≤∞∩². Save &as... ┴≡∩Φ▐Ωσ⌡≤τ &∙≥... Se&ttings... &╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥... Show ┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ Set Focus ╙⌠∩ ≡±∩≤Ω▐φΘ∩ Screen Saver ╨±∩≤⌠ß≤▀ß ∩Φⁿφτ≥ Shutdown ╩δσ▀≤Θ∞∩ ⌡≡∩δ∩πΘ≤⌠▐ Startup Options ┼≡Θδ∩π▌≥ SysCommand ┼φ⌠∩δ▐╙⌡≤⌠▐∞ß⌠∩≥ Set On-Trayicon ┴φß∞∞▌φ∩ ∞▀φΘ-σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ Set Off-Trayicon ╩δσΘ≤⌠ⁿ ∞▀φΘ-σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ Set Active-Trayicon ┼φσ±π∩≡∩Θτ∞▌φ∩ ∞▀φΘ-σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ Step ┬▐∞ß Sentence ╫ß±ßΩ⌠▐±σ≥ Scale Main Form ╠σπ▌Φ⌡φ≤τ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡: Settings Window ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σ∙φ State Window ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ╩ß⌠ß≤⌠▄≤σ∙φ Set Standby-Trayicon ╠▀φΘ-σΘΩ∩φ▀ΣΘ∩ ßφß∞∩φ▐≥ State. ╩ß⌠▄≤⌠ß≤τ. See file Copying.txt for license details ─σ▀⌠σ ⌠∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ Copying.txt πΘß ⌠τφ ▄ΣσΘß String String The file has changed, save ? ╘∩ ß±≈σ▀∩ ßδδ▄≈ΦτΩσ, φß ≤∙Φσ▀; Type Type Translation written by Ron Bessems <R.E.M.W.Bessems@stud.tue.nl> ╟ ∞σ⌠▄÷±ß≤τ ▌πΘφσ ß≡ⁿ ⌠∩φ ┴φ▌≤⌠τ ├σ∙±πΘ▄Στ <mranest@iname.com> Traybar mode ┼∞÷▄φΘ≤τ ∞ⁿφ∩ ∞▀φΘ-σΘΩ∩φΘΣ▀∩⌡ Target Selector ┼≡Θδ∩π▌ß≥ ╙⌠ⁿ≈∩⌡ Test Event ─∩ΩΘ∞▐ Text ╩σ▀∞σφ∩ This plugin sends a WM_SETTEXT message to the targets. This plugin sends a WM_SETTEXT message to the targets. Target ╙⌠ⁿ≈∩≥ The New input device gets activated when you press the apply button. ╟ ΩßΘφ∩²±πΘß ≤⌡≤Ωσ⌡▐ σΘ≤ⁿΣ∩⌡ σφσ±π∩≡∩Θσ▀⌠ßΘ ≡ß⌠■φ⌠ß≥ ┼÷ß±∞∩π▐. Target Window ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ╙⌠ⁿ≈∩⌡ This is not a Girder 3.0 Datafile, should I try to import from 2.x ? If you save this file Girder 2.x cannot open it anymore. ┴⌡⌠ⁿ Σσφ σ▀φßΘ ß±≈σ▀∩ ΣσΣ∩∞▌φ∙φ ⌠∩⌡ Girder 3.0, φß ≡±∩≤≡ßΦ▐≤∙ φß ⌠∩ ΣΘßΓ▄≤∙ ≤ßφ 2.x? ┴φ ⌠∩ ≤■≤σ⌠σ ⌠∩ Girder 2.x Σσφ Φß ∞≡∩±σ▀ ≡δ▌∩φ φß ⌠∩ ßφ∩▀εσΘ. TCP/IP Server Settings TCP/IP Server Settings TCP/IP Client TCP/IP Client Talking Clock Talking Clock Timer Timer Timer plugin for Girder 3.0 Timer plugin for Girder 3.0 This plugin executes a command after a preset timeout. This plugin executes a command after a preset timeout. Unregister Filetype ─Θßπ±ß÷▐ File Type User Interface ╨σ±ΘΓ▄δδ∩φ ╫±▐≤⌠τ UIR/IRman Settings ╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ UIR/IRman Volume Settings ╤⌡Φ∞▀≤σΘ≥ ▌φ⌠ß≤τ≥ Version ╕ΩΣ∩≤τ Volume Change ┴δδßπ▐ ╕φ⌠ß≤τ≥ ╣≈∩⌡ Volume Right Change ┴δδßπ▐ ╕φ⌠ß≤τ≥ ─σεΘ∩² ╩ßφßδΘ∩² Volume Left Change ┴δδßπ▐ ╕φ⌠ß≤τ≥ ┴±Θ≤⌠σ±∩² ╩ßφßδΘ∩² Volume Balance Change ┴δδßπ▐ ╔≤∩±±∩≡▀ß≥ ╩ßφßδΘ■φ Volume Mute Toggle ┴≡∩Ω∩≡▐ ▐≈∩⌡ Volume ID ID ▌φ⌠ß≤τ≥ Volume ╕φ⌠ß≤τ Volume Window ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ ╕φ⌠ß≤τ≥ ╣≈∩⌡ Volume Left Volume Left Volume Right Volume Right Volume Mute Volume Mute Waiting for IR Code. ┴φß∞∩φ▐ πΘß Ω∙ΣΘΩⁿ IR. Wait ┴φß∞∩φ▐ Window Name ╝φ∩∞ß ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ Window Class ╩δ▄≤τ ≡ß±ßΦ²±∩⌡ Wparam Wparam Windows is shutting down. ╘ß Windows Ωδσ▀φ∩⌡φ. Wavfile played. ╨ß▀≈ΦτΩσ ∩ ▐≈∩≥. Window ╨ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ Wait for Window ┴φß∞∩φ▐ πΘß ≡ß±▄Φ⌡±∩ WParam WParam Wav files (*.wav)|*.WAV|Executable (*.exe)|*.EXE Wav files (*.wav)|*.WAV|Executable (*.exe)|*.EXE X/Timeout [ms] X/╫±ⁿφ∩≥ [ms] Y Y command sent. σφ⌠∩δ▐ ≤⌠▄δΦτΩσ. sys command sent. σφ⌠∩δ▐ ≤⌡≤⌠▐∞ß⌠∩≥ ≤⌠▄δΦτΩσ.